About us – Live Well Centre

A unique project by:

About us

The different teams located in the Live Well Centre

The Core Team

This consists of Substance misuse, Domestic Violence support and Housing/Welfare rights advice. A new integrated model launched on 1 April 2021, and brings together support for Middlesbrough residents who may have experienced or are experiencing:

The integrated model consists of a number of specialist support services which have been commissioned by Middlesbrough Council. The Middlesbrough integrated model will mean better information sharing, easier access to the right support, and services working together more effectively. In short, the support a person receives will be ‘joined up’. It recognises people have different needs, so will offer different levels of support based on individual circumstances.

We have considered good practice from other areas to help us design this new model especially for Middlesbrough. We’re also responding to learning from recent Lessons Learned Reviews and Domestic Homicide Reviews, and putting recommendations into practice. Given the increase in drug-related deaths, domestic homicides, and high harm and vulnerability experienced by some of our residents, everyone involved in the integrated model is committed to this new way of working, which will help make a difference for residents who need it most. For more information or referrals, please call 01642 726800.

Early Years/Best start in life Team

Provide support for younger families, including Healthy Start Vitamins, Hunger Programmes etc.

They Ensure children and young people have the best health and wellbeing. There is increasing evidence to show investment in the early years of life (0-5) is highly effective in terms of future impact on health and wellbeing, from obesity and mental health, to educational achievement and economic status. Children and families need appropriate support and preventative services during pregnancy and early years to ensure all children have the best start in life.

Mental Health & Suicide prevention team

Liaise will Mental Health providers and authorities.

Cancer Prevention team

Headstart Team

Working in and with Schools for support.

HeadStart aims to introduce support within school, home, the community and on-line taking on a preventative and early intervention approach to equip young people aged 10-16 years to cope better with difficult circumstances. There are currently 423 HeadStarters in Middlesbrough accessing mental health training to build resilience and help them to support their peers! Visit their Facebook page @Headstart Boro for more information.

The Live Well Centre Team /Public Health Business team

Motivators, Gym Staff, reception and admin staff.

The Live Well Centre Team

Consists of a manager, Gym development officer and Customer Care Coordinators. It is their job to ensure the environment of the centre is safe to use and welcoming, and that everyone is left with a positive experience.

The Public Health Business team

Coordinate the management of Public Health Programmes.

Smoking Cessation Team

The Stop Smoking Service.

The Middlesbrough Stop Smoking service offers a range of free, friendly and confidential support to help you quit smoking. The team of specialist advisors have lots of experience in helping people to quit smoking. The Stop Smoking team are in the Live Well Centre from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. You’re welcome to drop in and speak to them. They also have an administrator who deals with calls daily. Over 8 million people in England smoke. Smoking continues to be the major cause of premature death, with nearly 80,000 smoking related deaths every year. The cost of smoking to the NHS has been estimated at over £2.7 billion, with secondhand smoking costing the NHS a further £217 million per year.

Specialist Physical Activity Team

The Specialist Physical Activity Team is made up of 9 dedicated staff members who will be on hand to support you planning your journey, identifying barriers and ways to overcome these and providing you with tools needed to facilitate long term behavioral changes that will have a positive impact on both your physical and mental well-being.

Managing under Nutrition team For South Tees

Ageing Well Team

Assist in ageing and sensory support, Dementia friends Training, Slipper Swap, Sensory loss café.

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