The gym – Live Well Centre

A unique project by:

The gym

We believe exercise is for everyone, which is why our onsite fitness centre is not your average gym! We support people in Middlesbrough who want to improve their lifestyle but might struggle to access traditional fitness services.

Some of our clients want an affordable way to reach a healthy weight, others are regaining their fitness after an injury. We also house programmes for people with ongoing medical conditions, finding exercises that suit their specific needs. With our support, our clients are achieving more than they thought was possible!

With over 40 pieces of equipment and a fully functional studio, we look just like a regular gym. What sets The Live Well Centre apart is the experience: from the moment you step inside, you’ll be in a friendly and non-judgmental environment, with qualified staff that work with you to set some goals and get started.

As we’re located in The Live Well Centre, our clients also have easy access to a range of other lifestyle services and resources. Just speak to a member of our team and they’ll match you with the services you need.

We don’t offer standard memberships but to discuss if our gym can meet your needs, please contact The Live Well Centre directly.

Sessions Running from The Live Well Centre

SPA Team

This is an Exercise Referral programme delivered by the SPA team. It is a free 12-week programme for those with pre-existing health conditions, people recovering from illness and older adults who would benefit from exercise to improve their overall health and wellbeing. Following receipt of your referral, a member of the team will contact you to start the journey. Once you have discussed your needs you will be advised on which sessions may be best for you. A bespoke tailored programme will then be created for you. Sessions include Aquarobics, Tai-chi for Health and Rehabilitation; Gym Based Session, Chair Based Exercise, Wellbeing Sessions for clients with mental health issues, Neuro Bootcamp and Stroke Improvement. To access the programme, speak to your GP or health practitioner to see if you are suitable for a referral. (All sessions are open to Middlesbrough residents only)

SPA Team Exit Sessions

The SPA Team Exit Sessions are available to those who have completed the 12 weeks Specialist Physical Activity Team programme. These sessions take place twice a week and cost £2 per session.

For more information please contact

NHS pre-operative programme – Waiting Well


The Waiting Well Programme is a community-based programme designed to support patients to improve their health and wellbeing whilst awaiting surgery. As part of the programme we hold twice weekly exercise classes at The Live Well Centre for patients who live in the Middlesbrough area.

The exercise classes run alongside a comprehensive programme of health and well being and is run jointly with South Tees NHS Foundation Trust and South Tees Public Health.

To access the course, you’ll need to be awaiting surgery, eligible patients will automatically be contacted by the team and invited to the programme.

It runs:

Tuesday from 1pm to 2pm.

Thursday from 1pm to 2pm.

For more information contact the team via e-mail at

Pulmonary Rehab

Pulmonary rehabilitation is an NHS service that aims to improve breathlessness, exercise tolerance and overall quality of life for people with a long-term respiratory condition such as COPD, Asthma, Interstitial Lung Diseases (ILD), Bronchiectasis and other respiratory conditions.

Breathlessness can be a symptom of a long-term lung condition, it can be uncomfortable, scary and make you not want to exercise. This can lead to the viscous cycle of inactivity, thus impacting on your daily life and well-being.

Pulmonary rehabilitation can be the first step to breaking that cycle with expert support from a team of physiotherapists and occupational therapists, with guidance in line with the standards from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.

What is pulmonary rehabilitation?

Pulmonary rehabilitation is a seven-week programme consisting of 14 structured exercise sessions to improve your breathlessness under the supervision of a specialist therapy team.

Each session consists of 60 minutes exercise tailored to your ability and up to 30 minutes of education related to your respiratory condition. Exercise consists of both endurance and resistance-based exercises.

The South Tees Hospitals NHS trust delivers this 7 week treatment program across Middlesbrough and Redcar localities and is proud to also offer this treatment program at the Live Well Centre.

How can I receive this treatment?

Ask the following to make a referral to our NHS service :

  • GP
  • Respiratory consultant
  • Practice nurse
  • Respiratory nurse
  • Allied health care professional

Contact details

The service can be contacted at Langbaurgh House Guisborough TS14 7AA, Monday to Friday excluding bank holidays between the hours of 8.30am and 4.30pm.

Tel: 01642 944607

For more information visit our Pulmonary rehabilitation – South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

ACT Lung Health

Lung health testing every Wednesday 12 – 2

The session will look at your overall lung age and ways to make improvements, also gym offer and stop smoking service available.

To book your appointment please speak to your ACT caseworker at Recovery Solutions or contact Kelly Butler on  07929732426 or email

Future Sessions

If you are interested in working with The Live Well Centre, and would like to deliver exercise programmes in our Gym/ Studio Space, please contact Jordan Thompson: or

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