Coral Danby – Live Well Centre

A unique project by:

Coral Danby


Coral is a wellbeing navigator working at The Live Well Centre, she is on hand to welcome you on arrival to the centre. Along with the rest of the team she will sign post you and offer advice on the different services you can access to help and support your health and wellbeing needs.  Whether you are attending an assessment, a meeting for external services or a group session, you will always be guaranteed a warm welcome from Coral.

Coral is a great example of how The Live Well Centre can help you. As well as working in the centre, Coral accessed different services in the centre for her own personal health care.  With encouragement and support from the staff, Coral is smoke free and 3 stone lighter, and will continue in her journey with the fantastic help and support from the services.

Coral is very passionate about The Live Well Centre. Every service is here to achieve one desired outcome; to promote quality of life to support the people of Middlesbrough to making healthier life choices.


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